Thursday, October 24, 2013

Project # 2: Portrait Due Nov 1 2013

watch Karl Taylor's lesson 5: Natural (soft light) Portrait

1. Choose the bright part as the photography background and significantly blur.
Choose the bright part of the light as the background, to avoid the picture gives a heavy impression. Evergreen plant's color is more concentrated, even if they are virtual, the color is not so beautiful. Shooting background does not must be plants, you can also choosebrightly colored walls.
2. Backlight makes the hair produce high light effect.
The subject's position must be carefully figured out, choose a suitable location, make the hair appear high light, it looks very shiny.The hair once seemed shiny, the expression of the character will give viewers a special impression. If the hair looks black, the whole picture will appear dark, so the photographer needs consciously add high light.
3. Use reflective panels to make the dark face become bright.
The effective use of reflectors can make the dim face become bright and the skin have rich texture. When shooting portraits, in principle, should use the backlight or edge-lit instead of smooth light. Reflectors are outdoor shooting portraits must carry tools.
4. While framing you can crop the arm.
Anyone would like to try to shoot beautiful photography background blur portrait photos. Manufacturing virtual lens elements areaperture size and focal length. These two factors affect each other produce blur effects.  Focal length of the lens is certain, the larger the aperture, the more obvious bokeh effect . Fixed aperture value, the longer the focal length, the more obvious the bokeh. From theconclusions, bright maximum aperture and longer focal length telephoto lens can bring the most obvious blur effect.

Review first before taking your pictures

take at least 10 pictures with different Aperture setting...
we will be observing on the effect of different aperture on the portrait shoot.
After reading about the lens lets explore the effect of aperture (lens opening) on your photo.
Karl Taylor's Lesson 5-8
Find a subject (your model) & go to a location with a large area of light, i.e. next to a window. the background should be at least 5 feet away.
Use a reflector to fill in the shadow... take a minimum
of 10 pictures for your write up. Shoot in (A) Aperture mode, let the camera decide the shutter speed for this assignment. start with ISO in 200. (adjust if necessary) Shoot in RAW + JPEG.
refer to blurry bkgd
  Good luck and have fun!    quiz1  quiz2

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