Friday, April 28, 2017

MP2 Checklist

MP2 focus - Exposure triangle

Ppt# 4 : Ch 2 reading / research on Lens with worksheet
Ppt# 5 : Ch 3 reading / research on Light and Exposure with ISO bracketing.

Project test #2: Bokeh Effect portrait with write up
Project test #3: White Balance (WB) with write up  extra credit Poster with real photos
Project test #4: Shutter Speed effects with write up  Due May 1, 2017

PS# 2: Cityscape -a Photography is Art review (ppt#2) with peer evaluation

Quiz on http://www.edmodo (next week on Monday)

Flickr MP2 Album # 31-60

#31 Reflecting lights - no reflector
#32 Reflecting lights - with reflector

#33-34 Exposure triangle: Aperture set - f/5.6 vs f/22
#35-36 Exposure triangle: Shutter Speed set  fast vs. slow
#37-38 Exposure triangle: ISO set under vs over exposure

#39 - Project test # 2 control (f/22)
#40 a,b,c - 18mm, 35mm, 55mm (f/5.6)
# 40 d - photoshop of the the best Bokeh effect portrait

#41-50  Photostory # 2

# 51- ISO bracketing

# 52-55 White balance

# 56 - shutter speed bracketing

# 57 - light painting

# 58- Project test # 4: fast shutter speed

# 59 - Project test # 4: slow shutter speed
# 60 - Photoshop of # 59

Quiz access

after you complete Project # 4: Various Shutter Speed effect

please sign up for access to Monday's Quiz on

with the access code d64web

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Photostory # 2 evaluation

DO Now for 4/26/17
have a classmate evaluate your photostory# 2

PS# 2 for _________________________ Evaluated by _______________________ AJS11-0__
Flickr # 41 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 42 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 43 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 44 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 45 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 46 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 47 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 48 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 49 ___________________ evident by _____________________
Flickr # 50 ___________________ evident by _____________________
                                                                                                                       overall score ___/10

Monday, April 24, 2017

Week#5: Effect of Various Shutter Speed (project Test # 4) and Quiz on ch 2 & 3

Monday: Practice how to capture motion with Shutter Speed bracketing Flickr# 56

(Tuesday)Do this in class light painting practice...
light paint your name or initial (picture #57)


Wednesday to Friday: Project Test # 4
Shutter speed in the City

  • Effects of various Shutter Speed... Must be done outside of school (NY City Scape) Get out there!

    What setting would you use for this picture?
    Taken by former student - Nicholas 
  • Flickr picture # 58-60
    #58 - fast shutter speed
    #59- slower shutter speed
    #60 Photo edit version
  • Wednesday 4-26-17
  • Project #4: Effect of Write up... 
  • #1: Explain how you derived your camera setting for this project? (what was the lighting condition like?)
  • #2:How did the camera captured the motion?
  • #3:What did you do for your post-editting?
  • #4:How is your photo an artwork? (also include composition).

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Week#4: Balancing both design and lighting (Test Project # 3)

Photostory # 2 Reminder.... go around the city and look for element of art and design principles
go back to your PPT# 2 - Photography is art  upload to Flickr # 41-50

White balance and designing with Visual Balance.

Project # 3:

take 2 or more items (making sure 1 of them has white color)

place them so the composition is balanced.

then under different types of lighting we will "test" the correct WHITE Balance (WB)

 demonstrate visual balance, or unity ( more than one subject) under different light. (color white must be present for White balance).
 Image result for fluorescent light wb

#52,53 ( incandescent : 3200K)
This Art work needs to demonstrate either visual balance, or unity.
#54 #55 (fluorescent : 4000K)

Project 3 (mini Test 2 out of 3) White balance and designing with Visual Balance.
Write up: 
1.How did you create this artwork ( element or Composition wise )?
2.what lighting did you use? 
3.What is White Balance and how did it affect the appearance of "white" in your artwork?
4.How did you determined the correct exposure? (ISO bracketing)
5.what problems did you encountered? (too much correction?) did you solve it?

6.what did you learn from this Project?

Monday, April 3, 2017

Week # 3: print out Test # 2 and start PPT # 5

Read Ch 3 on Lights and Exposure
and summarize in PPT # 5
summarize 2 pages of reading in each slide.

Thursday: Add ISO bracketing

Due when we get back from Spring break