Friday, December 20, 2019

Project 5 evaluation Day 1 (Fri)

genre noun  \ˈzhän-rə ˈzhäⁿ-;ˈzhäⁿr;ˈjän-rə\                                        

a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content.

AJS11-0     (your name)  Presentation day#      evaluation

Presenter's name                                                     Evaluation by 
master photographer# 1=                                                              genre=
original critique:  element of art =            lighting =              composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)      why?

master photographer# 2=                                                              genre=
original critique: element of art =            lighting =               composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)       why?

master photographer#3=                                                               genre=
original critique: element of art =              lighting =              Composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)        why?  

Presentation grade =       % because  
which one was your favorite? 
what did you like about it? Be specific!
Extra credit poster for Project 5: Mimicking the masters.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

PS#5 due send link.

Dear students,
      pls work on the assignment photostory # 5 and update your album. send the link to your work for attendance and credit. People that were scheduled to present today will be presenting tomorrow instead.
                                                                                                                           Miss Wang

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

HW: due tomorrow PS# 5

Quiz # 3

take a loose leaf fold in half length-wise to create 2 columns.

Quiz #3
History of Photography and top 10 compositions.

Choose from the answer bank. answers may be used once only.

part 1: Choose the correct one
Collodion Wet Plate
Color photography
Digital photography
Gelatin Emulsion/Roll Film
part 2: column 1: Composition

Viewpoint    Background    Depth   Framing     Cropping   Experimentation

Column 2:    4 types of Lighting

Hard light   Soft light   Transmitted light     Reflected light

Monday, December 16, 2019

Week # 4 : sign up for presentation date

do now: send in your midterm report card check

email links to all MP3 work so far...
MP3 Album
top 10 composition
PPT# 6: history of Photography
Project # 5

Photostories #3-4 for now
sign up for presentation dates
Quiz tomorrow on PPT#6 with top 10 composition

Friday, December 13, 2019

Midtern check up....

HW: start on your Photostory # 5 today, due next week Wednesday.

1st assignment- top 10 composition
Week of 12/2/19 to 12/6/29
2nd assignment- Photostory # 3 Peer evaluation next week.                                         album # 61-70
3rd assignment - PPT# 6: History of Photography.   Quiz before break
Week of 12/9/19 to 12/13/29
4th assignment -Photostory # 3 Peer evaluation
5th assignment- Project # 5: mimicking the master 
6th assignment- Photostory # 4 Peer evaluation next week.                                         album # 71-80

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Print PS#4 & update google photo album # 71-80

Update your photo album for Photostory# 4
#71 to 80

start mimicking photo today and tomorrow to finish Project # 5
you may use either your phone camera or the DSLR.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Photostory # 4 due : photostory # 3 peer evaluation (album check)

Do now: Photostory #3 Peer evaluation  get information. (email album and slide link to your evaluator.) someone that has not evaluated your story before.

Class work: online search for the last of the 3 master photographers to your Project # 5.
                    Cite your sources... and identify the genre (category) as well.

HW: Photostory #3 evaluation due. Print PS# 4  (#71 to #80) by tomorrow to be on time.

Monday, December 9, 2019

MP3 Week # 3: Project # 5: Mimicking the masters... + PS# 4

Home work Reminder: PS# 4 due Wednesday - make sure it's an interesting story!

Use the Top 10 Compositions as your rubric for PS# 4 google photo # 71-80

make sure you label them in the slide that is due tomorrow. (Every Wednesday is the due date for Photostory).
research on Mimicking the masters photographers. Everyone will have different master photographers.... if it's used you have to find someone else.

Find 3 master photographers from different time period.
by Monday 12/9/18
A. early to 1950s (black and white)
     slide 1: Biography with Portrait and camera they used
     slide 2: Sample photo critiqued (5 Qs) mimicked photo on Google Photo#101

1. What is the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see? hard, soft, transmitted or reflected light
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot? 

ISO _____, f/ ____, ______sec, ______mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

by Tuesday 12/10/18
B.1950 to 2000 (black and white or early color photography)
     slide 3: Biography with Portrait and camera they used
     slide 4: Sample photo critiqued (5 Qs) mimicked photo on Google Photo#102

by Wednesday 12/11/18 + Photostory # 4
C. 2000 to now (Digital Photographers)
     Slide 5: Biography with Portrait and camera they used
     Slide 6: Sample photo critiqued (5 Qs) mimicked photo on Google Photo#103

by Thursday & Friday Mimcking day...Google Photo# 101,102,103
D.  Slide 7: Conclusion... what did you learn? what was easy or difficult when you mimicked the master's pictures. which one was your favorite?

share and print out Project # 5 by 12/13/19 Quiz next week!

Friday, December 6, 2019

MP3: 3rd assignment due - PPT#6 share and print

TGIF: last 2 slides... Fri:  Slide 10 - Photography as Art in 1950-60s, 70-80s ; 
                                      Slide 11 - Color photography arrives again & Digital Photography

make sure there is a photo for every topic / slide before printing.
exit slip Q:  3 things that you find interesting about the History of Photography. 

HW: start on your Photostory # 4 today, due next week Wednesday.
1st assignment- top 10 composition
2nd assignment- Photostory # 3 Peer evaluation next week.
3rd assignment - PPT# 6: History of Photography.   Quiz to follow

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Update MP3 album PS# 3 (61-70) share when done.

Photostory #3 is due today. Share and print! 

Exit slip Q: my next photostory category/topic will be on _______.

ThursClass work:
 slide 8 -  Photography as Art in 19th century, Pictorial Photography and Photo secession,
 slide 9- Direct image in Art, Quest for a new vision

PPT# 6 due tomorrow with the last 2 slides.... with pictures on each topic and slides.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

HW: (Photostory) PS # 3 with New Rubrics due

Reminder the new Photostory#3 for MP3 is due.
                 need ideas check out or

use the new TOP 10 compositions for each pictures used in your story.
circle your subject after you print the story out.

New QR code and album link (# 61 to # 70)
Viewpoint    Background    Depth   Framing     Cropping  
Experimentation = ________+_________
experimentation is which 2 or more compositions?

Monday, December 2, 2019

MP3: PPT#6: History of Photography

Class work start on PPT # 6 due this week 
Ch 10 reading on History of Photography from textbook.... pdf found in pupuilpath assignment. 

MonIntro & Daguerreotype, Calotype, Collodion Wet-Plate
     Tue Gelatin Emulsion / Roll-Film base & color photography

Wed:  Early Portrait, Travel Photography and Images of War
         Time and Motion in Early Photographs, Document, Social Change and Photojournalism

HW: Photostory# 3

Thurs: Photography as Art in 19th century, Pictorial Photography and Photo secession,
          Direct image in Art, Quest for a new vision

Fri:  Photography as Art in 1950-60s, 70-80s ; 
         Color photography arrives again & Digital Photography

       add pictures by Friday Google share and Print! with EXIT slip ( 3 interesting things to you).

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

end of MP2 - album check and photo critique day # 3

Do now: Log in to your album and go to edit album and organize your photos from # 31-60
               reminder last day to send in your Mp2 report card links.

on looseleaf...

Mp2 album checked by the person to your right.
+10 points for having the album in order.
each numbered (#31 to 60) photo will earn 3 points (3 x 30 = 90 pts)
make sure all 34 photos are numbered, labeled and described.

***______'s Mp2 album grade =_________% checked by ___________print name and sign.
entire album due 11/18/19 (Number, label and described)
Google photo MP2 Album # 31-60

#31-40  Photostory # 2: Cityscape (HW assignment) Due Oct 21, 2019

#41-42 Exposure triangle: Aperture set - f/5.6 vs f/22
#43-44 Exposure triangle: Shutter Speed set  fast vs. slow
#45-46 Exposure triangle: ISO set under vs over exposure

#47 Reflecting lights - no reflector
#48 Reflecting lights - with reflector

#49 a,b,c - Project test # 2 control (f/22)                                  AV mode
#50 a,b,c - 18mm, 35mm, 55mm (f/5.6) Bokeh

# 51 - shutter speed bracketing 10/30/19                                   TV mode

# 52 - light painting 10/31/19

# 53- Project test # 3: fast shutter speed 11/6/19

# 54 - Project test # 3: slow shutter speed
# 55 - Photoshop of 54

# 56- ISO bracketing Due: Nov 7 2019                                         M Mode

# 57-60 project # 4:White balance by 11-18-19

(10 min)  

Happy Thanksgiving - work on PS#3  due 12-4-19 (Wed)
Image result for turkey" to Image result for turkey"

                                         (Taking away the excess)
quick-crop Effect at

Critique picture # 5

1. What is the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see? hard, soft, transmitted or reflected light
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot? 
ISO _____, f/ ____, ______sec, ______mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Critique picture # 6

Q4: Reference chart


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

day 2 on photo critique

Do now: add MP3 qr code & album link 
on your Photostory write up on Google slide share by the end of the period. 
PS# 3 due next week Wednesday 12-4-19 (share and print) take the photos with your phone from now on. DSLR optional.

Class work: due at the end of the period. exit slip

Critique picture #3 

1. What is the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see?
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?
   ISO= ________, f/ _________, __________sec. ___________mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Critique picture #4


Monday, November 25, 2019

MP3: How to critique a photo

Do Now: Share your HW on Top 10 compositions with proposals for Photostories (Mp2 album also due)

Class work: 

how do you critique a photograph?

on a loose leaf let's practice... due as exit slip
1. What is the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see?
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?
critique# 1 pc:flickr by Marie Coleman

reminder... type of light maybe HARD, SOFT, TRANSMITTED or REFLECTED
ART ELEMENTS         vs            10 composition rules 
 Lines                             ⤄              Rule of Thirds                        Background    
 shapes / form               ⤄              Balancing Elements                Depth  
 space                           ⤄              Leading Lines                         Framing    
 value                                          Symmetry and Patterns          Cropping  
 Texture                                       Viewpoint                              Experimentation
critique # 2 Pc:flickr by Delila

Class work: start on your Photostory write up on Google slide share by the end of the period. 
PS# 3 due next week Wednesday 12-5-19 (share and print) take the photos with your phone from now on. DSLR optional.

If you are ahead, 
Class work start on PPT # 6 due next week 
Ch 10 reading on History of Photography from textbook.... pdf found in pupuilpath assignment. 
ThursIntro & Daguerreotype, Calotype, Collodion Wet-Plate
     Fri Gelatin Emulsion / Roll-Film base & color photography

Mon:  Early Portrait, Travel Photography and Images of War
         Time and Motion in Early Photographs, Document, Social Change and Photojournalism

Tues: Photography as Art in 19th century, Pictorial Photography and Photo secession,
          Direct image in Art, Quest for a new vision

Wed:  Photography as Art in 1950-60s, 70-80s ; 
         Color photography arrives again & Digital Photography

       add pictures by Thursday Google share and Print! with EXIT slip ( 3 interesting things to you).

Friday, November 22, 2019

End of MP2 - if you need e.c.

Extra credit.

  1. 7 scenario pictures taken with your setting on the worksheet.
  2. Aperture bracketing / White balance correction / 5 days of donate a photo.
  3. Poster of all 3 projects. extra credit Poster with real photos printed from CVS,Walgreen, Rite Aide

update your google photo MP2 album 
(report card weight = 30%)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Top 10 compositions - new rubrics for photostories in MP3

DO now: Thursday 11-21-19

on a looseleaf write down what you think you are getting for MP2 based on 3 strength you have in this class. Then follow up with a statement of improvement for the last marking period.send this email AJS11-0__ Your name MP2 report card links.

1. MP2 album link 
2. Due10-18-19 PS# 2: Cityscape -a Photography is Art review (ppt#2) with peer evaluation
    who graded your Photostory? you graded whose photostory?

3. Due 10-25-19 Ppt# 4 : Ch 2 internet research on Lens with worksheet
4. Due 11-04-19 Ppt# 5 : Ch 3 reading / research on Light and Exposure with ISO bracketing.

5. Due 10-28-19 Project test #2: Bokeh Effect portrait with write up
6. Due 11-6-19 Project test #3Shutter Speed effects with write up  
7. Due 11-18-19 Project test #4: White Balance (WB) with write up 
***************************************************************************** email sent******
2nd period reading period survey: if you were absent or did not do the 2nd one.

Link to Survey 2: Teacher Choice:


Class work: make new MP3 album and Qr Code

start on Google doc of TOP 10 composition with 6 photostories proposals

My 6 proposed photostories for MP3.
2. ________________________

define the 10 composition in your own word, then goto to find a picture that matches your definition. (click on Discover then categories to get ideas)
we are starting MP3 with the top 10 composition for your artwork photos....

Take Your Digital Photography to the Next Level!  watch this video
  Due 11-25-19 share only
Justify why you are a Photo-Artist!

update your portfolio to 100 pictures... or 100%

we have 60 as our foundation, now its time to shine... showcase your BEST work.

need 4 more different themes with minimum of 10 shots per theme.

upload to Google Photo album MP3 on a weekly basis in sets  "photostory#1 of 6 : Food " "photostory #2 of 6 : Cityscape" and so on....
Please shoot in MANUAL "M" Mode with RAW+ L (.cr2  and JPEG) format! (DSLR)

Are you shooting portraits? Read this first!

61-70: photostory #3 in 10 different composition and lighting Due 12-5-19  (Thanksgiving)

71-80: photostory #4 in 10 different composition and lighting Due 12-12-19

81-90: photostory  #5 in 10 different composition and lighting Due 1-5-19 (Christmas)

91-100: photostory  #6 in 10 different composition and lighting Due 1-9-20 ( New Years)