Wednesday, January 31, 2024

21st Century class sign up

Were you successful in installing PS at home. upload your picture of your PS on to your MULTIMEDIA essay due tomorrow. 

Go to TEACH HUB and search up 21 for 21st Century Ed

AQS11-01 learner code FLCX-DKOU.

AQS11-02 learner code  LEIB-UHUW

AQS11-04 learner code DUPG-QQOE

AQS11-06 learner code RENW-WAOV

AQS11-08 learner code AKQK-VSRD

**************************************Trying out Photoshop tomorrow

Get to know the app

Monday, January 29, 2024

Spring term 2024 - Multimedia Art (Photoshop)

AQS11-01 - tyuzbvc

Aqs11 -02 - kjje5cp

Aqs11-04  -  4vhzcmx

Aqs11-06  - xvbkfpg

Aqs11-08  - rw7mrj2

Welcome to Multimedia Art...
We will be learning with Adobe Photoshop to foster your creativity.

this is a beginner's course. 

Talk to your table mate about what is Photoshop (PS).
- usage ( what can you create with PS)
- career
- 21st century skills

Exit slip - turn in your findings for discussion tomorrow.

Meanwhile also checking if you can register for your own account in DOE's Abode Suite.

find  A D O B E creative suite - download or install Photoshop (PS)

sign in with your DOE email. send me a screenshot of the PS welcoming screen with your name.
(Command + Shift + 5) email to Subject line AQS11-0__  Your name Photoshop is 
EXIT ticket - your discussion result with your classmate on Photoshop is....

Monday, January 22, 2024

Clean up your acct for Semester 2... Photoshop

 Multimedia Art

P H O T O S H O P 

LAST Day of 1st semester for 1 ART credit of 2... make sure all missing assignments are submitted.
If you don't submit that means you are still working on them. leave me a comment on what you still need to do.

Please clean up your acct by dragging all files to the trash and empty them. so we have a clean station to start with on Jan 30 when you return for Multimedia art.

check to see if you can LOG out the Photoshop acct on your station... and sign yourself in with DOE email.

HW: see if you can install Photoshop at home.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Final Mp3 check

 Fill out MP3 checklist, in the back answer this... Semester reflection: think back from the beginning of the school...

which project / Test did you like the most? 
Project 1: Value of light
Project 2: Bokeh portrait
Project 3: White balance
Project 4: Art of Shutter Speed (capturing motion) light painting 
project 5: Presenting your mimics of your 3 master photographers 

who graded your PS# __ (the one you chose as the 
and your take away from this class...

Last day to submit work and makeup QUIZ 3... end of marking MP3
****** make a copy of the answer sheet and email the link to ********

have you submitted all completed work? 
*Top 10 Compositions (Google Doc)
*Project 5: Mimicking the Masters with Presentation (google slide)
*PPT# 6: History of Photography (google slide)
*4 Weekly photo-stories (google slide) with google form evaluation
*attach MP3 photo album link and loaded with 43 photos for photo album check.
*Quiz 3

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Mp3 Best photostory exchange + make up Quiz 3

pls select a photo you like the best to show and tell your classmate today.

also making sure they can tell the 5 Ws from reading your story. 

(Who, what, when, where, why)

use the google form to fill out your evaluation.

if you missed the Quiz yesterday pls click on the make-up Quiz 3 to make it up. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Quiz # 3

 Take a looseleaf and fold down the middle, dividing the answer sheet into 2 columns.

label Quiz # 3, name and class AJS11-0__       date

number it from # 1 to 15

word bank... Choose the correct one, no repeat

  • Calotype

  • Collodion Wet Plate

  • Color photography

  • Daguerreotype

  • Digital photography

  • Gelatin Emulsion/Roll Film

Top 10 compositions.

type of light maybe HARD, SOFT, TRANSMITTED or REFLECTED

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Project 5: mimicking the masters presentations + PS# 5 & 6

 Do now: write your draft story for PS# 5 and email it to with the subject line

AJS11-0_ _____ your name's Ps# 5 story draft 

Welcome back to school Jan 2, 2024 to 1/12/24

check your class calendar: AJS11-01  AJS11-02  AJS11-04  AJS11-06  AJS11-08

 Classwork:  student presentations 

pls Send an email to of your peer evaluation as your participation.
AJS11-0     (your name) Presentation date: 1/__/2024presentation 
reply with another set of evaluations if there are more presenter.

Presenter's name                                                     Evaluation by 
master photographer# 1=                                                              genre=
original critique:  element of art =            lighting =              composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)      why?

master photographer# 2=                                                              genre=

original critique: element of art =            lighting =               composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)       why?

master photographer#3=                                                               genre=

original critique: element of art =              lighting =              Composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)        why?  

Presentation grade =       % because  

which one was your favorite?                         what did you like about it? Be specific!