Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spring 2014 Semester

Welcome to Digital Photography...
Day 1: sign up to Flickr.com and post a Selfie... send me your link!
Day 2: sign up for Karl Taylor's Free news letter to get access to lessons. and start on Powerpoint #1 on what is Photography with different types of Camera... Do a comparison of Point and shoot vs. DSLR
Day 3: (con't with PowerPoint #1)
Day 4: Powerpoint #1 due share out with class presentation...

Weel #2 ---> Principal of Art and Design in Photograpghy
Day 5: Press Pass and Camera contract
Day 6:  Study for the Quiz - Parts of DSLR Draw or sketch the camera today.
Day 7:  Quiz Time!
Day 8: Start on PowerPoint #2 - Photography is ART & sign up for Digital Photography School.com to get tips.

Element of art:
Day 9: you should have your camera now... so you can take pictures for your powerpoint assignment. 
Principles of Design (Composition)

Principles or composition may include these....

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