Monday, March 24, 2014

Project #2: Portrait (Draft due Wed - Due Friday)

after you summarize CH2 from the text book.... Proceed to your portrait project... of your partner if you have one.

Title: the Effect of different Aperture on Portrait. (Watch Lesson 3)

First find a location with ample SOFT light... Like next to a large window.... set up your camera

Manual mode
Shutter speed (exposure)
Various f-stop (high- medium and low) 3 more pix to total of 30 pix now.

Second find a model and study how the light is "painting" the face of your portrait...

Third think of the principles of art when composing your shot within the frame... then take the picture in both NEF and JPG.

Looking forward to your portraits!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

2nd Marking Period - PPT-4 Exposure triangle & Lens (CH2)

Powerpoint #4

Part 1: based on last week's handout
and the class activity of  7 situations....

make a power point about the exposure triangle. and how to adjust the setting on your camera. Due 3/21/14

update Flickr to 27 pictures....

*********************************** week#2 **************************************
Part 2: Read Ch 2 in class... and summarize in Power point. Each heading is ONE slide.

Project #2: Effect of Aperture in on Karl Taylor's Lesson 2 to watch the video.

take at least 10 pictures with different Aperture setting...
we will be observing on the effect of different aperture on the portrait shoot.
After reading about the lens lets explore the effect of aperture (lens opening) on your photo.
Karl Taylor's Lesson 5-8
Find a subject (your model) & go to a location with a large area of light, i.e. next to a window. the background should be at least 5 feet away.
Use a reflector to fill in the shadow... take a minimum
of 10 pictures for your write up. Shoot in (A) Aperture mode, let the camera decide the shutter speed for this assignment. start with ISO in 200. (adjust if necessary) Shoot in RAW + JPEG.
refer to blurry bkgd

Monday, March 3, 2014

•Powerpoint #3: Lights in Photography (Due Thurs)

Hard light (Mon)
Soft light (Tues)
Transmitted light (Wed)
Reflected light (Thurs)

Find 5 flickr pix and 3 sample of your own.