Friday, October 24, 2014

Practice Photo shoot in class....

lets explore the effects of different aperture "A  mode" Aperture priority.

the Nikon we have in school can be set from f/5.6 to f/32...

so set 10 different aperture to show the range in the Depth of field (Dof). in your group in a slide show.

take a picture for each of the setting... you will be taking the picture of the person to your right in the class... upload them to your flickr for credit.

Print out your group findings... each person will be responsible for 2 to 3 different aperture from the entire set.

******************************************* Quiz on Wednesday! *****************
Read Lesson 6 for tips on how to take your picture...

Project 2 is due 2 days after you check in the camera...

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