Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2nd Marking Period Requirement - parent signature needed All Due Nov 21 (Friday)

Next week is already Thanksgiving, which also means the END of Marking Period 2

Digital Photography
2nd marking Period
Write up printed out & emailed to mcsmphoto@gmail.com
________ Powerpoint #4 on CH 2: Lens ________ Project #2 on Soft Light Portrait Shot in "A" Mode Due Oct 30
________ Powerpoint #5 on Composition ________ Project #3 on Motion in NYC  Shot in "S" Mode Due Nov 19
w/ 20 pix & Presentation 
________ Article review ________ Project #4 on Food with best ISO shot in "M" mode Due Nov 21
________ # of Critiques of Peer Flickr ________ # of Flickr Photos labeled with Detailed descriptions
________ # of time checking out the DSLR ________ Prepared for class with Personal SD card - _____ GB
Name: ________________________________  Parent signature: X                                 ______________________________________

*********************  Print out and get signed *** before Thanksgiving *****************

Flickr check List - Please make album with the following titles

1st marking Period you had 20 pictures
2nd marking Period you need to add 20 more...

#21, 22 Aperture practice from your table

#23 - Project #2 (Test shot from the setting from PPT#4)
#24,25 - Final Soft light Portrait with Blurry Background and Photoshop Edit

#26,27,28,29,30 - Shutter Speed practice with waving hands

#31,32,33 - Project #3 Motion in NYC (initial, final and photoshop edit)

#34,35,36 - ISO practice in different Focal Length (put together in powerpoint and save as JPG )

#37 - Project #4 Food 

*********************************** End of  2nd marking Period Nov 26****************

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