Thursday, March 12, 2015

worksheet... Exposure triangle and focal length

Class exercise:
Given the following scenarios, what are the appreciate settings for focal length, aperture, shutter speed and ISO?

        1) Beautiful sunny day and you want to take sharp image of a building from a close distance.
         ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
2) At a birthday party with candle lights only and you’re taking a picture of the cake
 ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
3) Early Morning, sun is not up yet and you’re taking a picture of the beach and you want everything to be in focus.
  ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
4) You’re taking a picture of your significant other in a crowded place in the afternoon at 5:30PM near Times Square. You only want your subject to be in focus and everything else to be blurry.
   ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
5) You’re taking a picture of a Lamborghini in a racetrack with overcast daylight but want to give motion blur to everything else but the car.
  ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
6) You’re taking a picture of a ninja during broad daylight (assume ninjas are fast!)
ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
7) You’re in your corner office on the 10
th floor and you are taking a picture of your friend that works on the 10th floor in a neighboring building during broad daylight at 12:00PM.
            ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture= 

Monday, March 9, 2015

TEST: Project 1 Due this Friday 3-13-15

work on this along with PPT #3 

-pick up your DSLR camera for this assignment.
Shoot in Manual mode. "M" in the mode dial...

15 common questions for a beginner photographer 

lighting set up

Last Fri Lesson 1 was added to PPT#3 slide 1.... please read and understand the 6 component that is PHOTOGRAPHY.

For this TEST project you have to shoot your " art piece" in Manual mode only.

set the camera in the following setting!

In Menu: set the image quality to RAW (NEF) + Basic or fine  and the ISO to 400 (light sensitivity).

In Aperture Mode : Adjust the f-stop to F5.6

In Shutter Speed Mode: Adjust the shutter speed or exposure to 1/250sec

Take one in this setting. if the picture comes out too bright or too dark. you may NEED to make some adjustments to obtain a properly exposed photo without flash.

Upload JPG to as pic #18-19

************************************************** email NEF first as Part 1***********
 Part 2: Post retouching with PHOTOSHOP

After you upload your photo to your computer.

open Photoshop and look for BR or Bridge to locate your NEF file.
open NEF (RAW) file in Photoshop. in the open camera  RAW editor. (watch video )

make your adjustment. like Exposure - fill in the light - add the black... etc.

when you are done. OPEN IMAGE and save in JPG so you can upload this as Pic #20 on

Part 3: Write up (printed) & Present Flickr in class.
using the lesson 1 handout as a guide line. talk about all the technical aspect to create this Still life project.
making sure you include. ISO, F-stop, exposure and focal length.

Write Up: (How were you able to create the Value of light in this photo?)
Explain how this Photo is an art work. Does it contain an element of art? What about its Design principle?
How did you set up the lighting for this photo-shoot? what kind of lighting did you use? 
What did you find / learn from this art Project? 
****************************************************** yeah 1st marking period is DONE!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week #4 (PPT #3)

Powerpoint 2 presentation                                  Flickr count 13 photos as of 3/2/15

Monday: consolidate powerpoint #2 as a group

Tuesday/Wed present

Thur/Fri PPT # 3 & Project #1

HW: how DSLR works...

Karl Taylor's free photo lessons...

watch the following videos... for HW!
you will be quiz for its contents....
Your FREE Online Photography Course is ready!
Click on the link below for your 14 FREE Videos & PDF Download photography Lessons.
Karl's photography teaching is easy to follow and jargon free to help you get the most out of your SLR camera - Quickly!

Power Point #3: Types of Lighting in Photography

slide one - copy lesson 1 and lesson 4 define in your own words...

2•Hard light (Tues)Find 5 flickr pix 
3•Soft light (Wed)Find 5 flickr pix 
4•Transmitted light (Thurs)Find 5 flickr pix 
5•Reflected light (Fri - due)Find 5 flickr pix 

6•take 3 sample of type of light on your own.
over the weekend up the best ones (4) to flickr with label and description.

worksheet -next week