Thursday, March 12, 2015

worksheet... Exposure triangle and focal length

Class exercise:
Given the following scenarios, what are the appreciate settings for focal length, aperture, shutter speed and ISO?

        1) Beautiful sunny day and you want to take sharp image of a building from a close distance.
         ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
2) At a birthday party with candle lights only and you’re taking a picture of the cake
 ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
3) Early Morning, sun is not up yet and you’re taking a picture of the beach and you want everything to be in focus.
  ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
4) You’re taking a picture of your significant other in a crowded place in the afternoon at 5:30PM near Times Square. You only want your subject to be in focus and everything else to be blurry.
   ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
5) You’re taking a picture of a Lamborghini in a racetrack with overcast daylight but want to give motion blur to everything else but the car.
  ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
6) You’re taking a picture of a ninja during broad daylight (assume ninjas are fast!)
ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture=
7) You’re in your corner office on the 10
th floor and you are taking a picture of your friend that works on the 10th floor in a neighboring building during broad daylight at 12:00PM.
            ISO=                       Shutter Speed =                      Aperture= 

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