Monday, November 16, 2015

Project 4: Shutter Speed effect in NYC

(Monday)  article review on Composition
Reflect on the 10 points of review from this article first then take the picture 
How to take good photos: 01 Think about your Portrait shots
                                            02 Get composition spot-on every time
                                            03 Ensure your basic camera functions are set correctly 
                                            04 Use aperture to control depth of field
                                            05 Use shutter speeds for creative effect
                                            06 Get the white balance right
                                            07 Get your camera’s ISO settings right
                                            08 Take control of focus
                                            09 Assess your shots in-camera
                                           10 Review and edit your images

(Tuesday) Do this in class light painting practice...

light paint your name or initial (picture #55-58)


  • Install it now... at home.

  • Effects of various Shutter Speed... Must be done outside of school (NY City Scape) Get out there!

    What setting would you use for this picture?
    Taken by former student - Nicholas 
  • Write up... explain how you derived your setting for this project? (what was the lighting condition like?)
  • how did the camera captured the motion?
  • What did you do for your post-editting?
  • How is your photo an artwork? (also include composition).
Peer Flickr critique... Pick your top 3 exposure triangle samples. 
  1. Play nice! We’ve deliberately chosen photographs that aren’t perfect, so please be constructive with any criticism.
  2. Feel free to offer any type of advice – composition, lighting, post-processing etc.
  3. You can also link to photographs that you feel offer a great example of this type of image shot exceptionally well.
more examples...

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