Friday, March 11, 2016

last week for marking period 1: Project Test #1

But first let's learn how to set up the camera to take the picture in Manual Mode...

read up on the manual on how to adjust the camera setting in "Manual" M mode.
1st, 2nd and 8th period - Canon Rebel T-5 manual 
take 1 set HIGH to Low ISO, 1 set with large vs. small aperture (AV) and 1 set of fast vs slow shutter speed (Tv) flickr pic #31 to 36 later

4th pd Nikon d3100 manual 
6th pf Nikon d3200 manual 
read this article over the weekend from Digital Photography School .com or DPS.

Project #1: Due Friday 3-18-16
Value of Light in Manual Mode (use hardlight) Flickr pix # 29, 30 

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