Thursday, April 21, 2016

MP2 Flickr check list

2nd Marking period consists of 

Exposure triangle

PPT#4 on CH 2:Lens
PPT #5 on CH 3: Lights and Exposure

Photostory #2: free topics on 10 rules to composition - must show 1 picture for each rule per composition

Project 2: Effect of Various ISO on Picture Quality in various focal length

Project 3Effect of Various aperature on Portrait - Bokeh effect

Project 4Effect of Various shutter speed on Cityscape- Light trail

#31-36: Exposure Triangle ( Mode dial in M, A, S) or Canon's M, Av and Tv modes.
# 37-38: Reflector on portrait subject
#39 -40: Bokeh effect Portraits (best of the Blurred and clear background)

# 41-42: Incandescent light White balance vs. AWB
# 43-44: Fluorescent Light White balance vs. AWB
# 45: Iso Bracketing in "M" mode under natural light (collage made in slides)

# 46 to 55 Photostory # 2 on NYC cityscape or your own topic other than "food"
                                         using the 10 rules for compositions.

# 56: Shutter speed bracketing collage
# 57: light painting more ideas
# 58 - 60: Project # 4 - shutter speed in NYC ( fast, slow ss... & Photoshop)

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