Monday, May 16, 2016

week# 2: Print, Quiz and presentation

Monday -add a reflection slide to your project ( what was the most difficult things you encountered and what would you have done differently if you had to do it again)

and then print out Mimicking project # 5 - and upload to Flickr photostream as # 101, 102, 103 add the link to the original picture, so I can see and compare them.

Tuesday - quiz # 3 on Ch 10 and the top 10 composition we are using in Photostory # 3,-6

Wednesday - photostory # 3 printout

Thursday- Friday
Do now: make a print out of your photostory # 3 & work on photostory # 4 due Thursday.
Presentation of mimicking project and evaluations.

Evaluation format:
Presenter's name ________________________

master photographer# 1=
original critique: lighting = _______ element of art = ___________ composition =___________
Mimicked photo =  A B C D

master photographer# 2=
original critique: lighting = _______ element of art = ___________ composition =___________
Mimicked photo =  A B C D

master photographer#3=
original critique: lighting = _______ element of art = ___________ composition =___________
Mimicked photo =  A B C D

Presentation grade = _____ % because _________________________
which one was your favorite?

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