Monday, February 27, 2017

week # 4: finish up PPT# 2 with Presentation

Welcome back from the winter break...
Lets continue with our research with How Photography is Art powerpoint. shared and print out by March 1, 2017 (Wednesday)
Line                 Emphasis

Shape/Form     Visual Balance

Space               Unity

Value               Contrast

Texture           Movement/Rhythm

Color               Pattern/Repetition

Monday Home work:

 Flickr picture scavenger hunt.... find a picture that most closely match to your own definition of art.
               Please add URL as citation to where you find the sample photos.
     Use google short cuts. for the 12 flickr pictures... that accompany each art terms.

Tuesday: use either your phone or DSLR camera to find a similar sample around school.
add these photos onto Flickr as #4 to # 16.

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