Tuesday, June 6, 2017

My Top 10: art Final due 6-7-17

Make a new top 10 Flickr Album By _________________ AJS11-0___  June 7 2017
Flickr link:
Screen shot your 10 pictures and answer the following questions.
What did you learn in Photography this semester?
How many photos in your Flickr Photostream?
Evaluate your work performance base on the following...
On task? ( participation) working on the assignment for photography only...
Deadlines? (Power points/Projects) on time or fashionably late like a week or so later...
Organization? (flickr albums)
demonstration of learning (did you present?)
Art skills evaluation
Demonstrate independence in Photo taking.
Creative in Photo taking... cite evidence
Critique Art/ Photo based on element of art and compositions (Principles of design)
Technology skills used in this class (also computer skills)
what did you learn and used?
Anything else you want to use to support your final grade...
reflection? what you would do better next year?

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