Thursday, September 7, 2017

qr code and press pass

TGIF! 9-8-17

Do now:
goto create and download
paste your Flickr link to step 2 (static URL)
step 3 download the newly made qr code to the desktop as YOUR NAME qrcode
send in as attachment in reply flickr link email to

Class work: send and print when done!  due Tuesday 9-12-17

look for Canon Rebel T-6 online (front and back side)

download your selfie from Flickr or from your email. (save in folder)

and Qr code for the back of the pass

Open Publisher

Insert picture of the  back of the camera and add a color WHITE box (insert shape filled with white color) over the screen of the camera...

use "insert Text box" to add the following text

your name
osis #


valid only during ___ period for digital Photography with Miss Wang Room 360

example: Spring Semester 2018

then  Insert picture  camera front view and selfie 
***under FORMAT***
use Crop to CIRCLE select tool to copy your face from selfie to paste in the front view of the camera

save as YOUR name Press pass.pdf

 flip 1 of the 2 picture so when we print and fold the pass it will be facing the same side.

reminder to get the 2GB or more SD card by Monday...

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