Friday, April 20, 2018

Project 4: Effect of Various shutter speed due 4/26/18

Friday 4/20/18
Shutter speed Bracketing: Shoot in TV mode.
Image result for tv mode canon
Follow this sample for your Flickr # 56: Shutter Speed bracketing

make this slide and save as .jpg and upload to your art portfolio. send link for credit.
Please add label and description.
Weekend assignment: Shutter speed in DSLR or with an app on your phone. Moving traffic lights at night!


 Project Test # 4
Shutter speed in the City

  • Effects of various Shutter Speed... Must be done outside of school (NY City Scape) Get out there!

    What setting would you use for this picture?
    Taken by former student - Nicholas 
  • *************************************************

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