Monday, May 21, 2018

Week # 4: presentation of Project 5 with evaluation + photostory # 5 due Thursday

Monday: 5/21/18
Blood drive @ auditorium - possible photostory idea...

Tuesday: 5/22/18
Class presentation evaluation

Wednesday: 5/23/18
Class presentation evaluation

Thursday: 5/24/18
Class presentation evaluation
Photostory # 5 due - share and print.
flickr # 81-90

Friday 5/25/18
Class presentation evaluation
& start on last photostory # 6

we are finishing in 2 weeks... how's your art/ photo portfolio looking?
Class presentation evaluation - copy and paste into email msg.
Subject : AJS11-0__ Presentation day __ evaluation

No late work! that means by the end of the period.

Presenter's name ______________________     Evaluation by _______________
master photographer# 1=                                                              genre=________________
original critique:  element of art = ___________ composition =___________ lighting = _______
Mimicked photo = A B C D Why?

master photographer# 2=                                                              genre=_________________
original critique: element of art = ___________ composition =___________  lighting = _______
Mimicked photo = __letter grade____ why?

master photographer#3=                                                               genre=_________________
original critique: element of art = ___________ composition =___________  lighting = _______
Mimicked photo =  _____ why? 

Presentation grade = _____ % because _________________________
which one was your favorite? 
what did you like about it? Be specific!

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