Monday, June 4, 2018

Week# 6: FINALS week + photo story evaluation MP3 Packet

MP3 Packet:
you should have the following assignment shared with me.

AJS11-0__ Your name MP# 3 Packet Checklist. Please print your packet and submit them this week.
(10%)Top 10 composition with Do now
(10%)PPT # 6
(10%)Quiz# 3 (grade)
(10%)Project # 5 with presentation (10%)
(10%)Evaluations- 10 emails
(40%)Photostory # 3,4,5,6
google photo album links
Flickr album links
* E.c if you have done any?***
My grade for MP3 should be ____ because:

Peer photostory evaluation (Friday)
Top 10 Flickr album for the semester (choose from # 1 to 103)

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