Wednesday, September 12, 2018

week# 2: Parts of DSLR & Quiz

9/12/18 Do now:
Emergency Response review: Lockdown and firedrill/Evacuation
where to go & what to do in an emergency from Rm 360.
"Look, lock, light, out of sight!"

print out Press pass & SD card due.

********************************** learning about DSLR parts & Operation ****

Early start on Drawing of Canon T-6 DSLR diagram goto 

Wed: pg 26  (Draw & label)

9/13/18 Do now: Quick start guide (9+1 steps) in the back of your drawing (pg 6 & 7)

Thur: Pg 27 (Draw & label)                                                    ** Firedrill # 1 (8th pd)

HW: Study for Quiz (

9/14/18 Do now: Place your SD card next to your name and class on your drawing and take a picture with your phone camera. upload to google Photo album and share it. INFO # 2: Canon T-6 Diagram with __ GB Sd card. subject: AJS11-0__ your name DSLR diagram (10 min)

Turn in your drawing prepare for Quiz.

Friday: QUIZ#1 (30 min)

HW: Upload picture # 3: My best photo so far... Add in detail why you think it's a good art work.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (lockdown video) nyc (evacuation)
