Monday, October 22, 2018

(Mp2 wk#2) PPT # 4 & Project # 2: Soft light Bokeh Portrait

Finish up PPT# 4: Camera Lens (internet research and citation).
Do Now: Transfer Exposure triangle worksheet write up + 2 more slides then print.

Weekend HW: Landscape of the city or 'Cityscape' same Rubric as the food story - Elements of Art & Principles of design. (10 pictures) Due Nov 1, 2018
upload to Google photo album MP2 # 31-40

Day 3: Oct 22, 2016
slide 8:Depth of Field (controlling sharpness in a Photograph) how Focal length affect Dof 
slide 9: More about Depth of Field (how to preview and setting it up to the desired f-stop) 
slide 10: Perspective: How a photograph shows depth 
slide 11: Lens attachments (close up and filters)
Slide 12: exposure triangle practice shots (google photo # 41-46)
Slide 13: exposure triangle worksheet
*******************************************************  Print out ***********************

Tuesday - Friday
read about Bokeh and plan for your Project # 2: Soft light Bokeh Portrait to be shot in AV mode.
      Tues: Video then take 2 pictures... #47 without reflector & # 48 With reflector
      Wed: upload and label with descriptions. Read and plan for Bokeh portraits, take photos.
      Thurs: finish taking photos upload # 49 a,b,c small aperture + # 50 a,b,c large aperture & write up on google .doc
      Friday: finish write up & print out!

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