Tuesday, December 4, 2018

(MP3)wk # 2: Due Photostory# 3 & PPT# 6

Reminder HW:Photostory # 3:MP3 Google photo album # 61-70 due 12-5-18
Use the Top 10 Compositions as your rubric for PS# 3
make sure you label them in the slide that is due tomorrow. (Every Wednesday is the due date for Photostory).

Con't with your reading and summary for ' History of Photography' for the rest of the week.

we will see how Photography got to where it is today, by reading and summarizing about the History of Photography in CH 10 of our textbook - .PDF can be found in Pupilpath or take your own photos.

share and print History of  Photography by due date 12-6-18
>>>>slide suggestions<<<< 2 slides each day
ThursIntro & Daguerreotype, Calotype, Collodion Wet-Plate
     Fri : Gelatin Emulsion / Roll-Film basecolor photography

Mon:  Early Portrait, Travel Photography and Images of War
         Time and Motion in Early Photographs, Document, Social Change and Photojournalism

Tues: Photography as Art in 19th century, Pictorial Photography and Photo secession,
          Direct image in Art, Quest for a new vision

Wed:  Photography as Art in 1950-60s, 70-80s ; 
         Color photography arrives again & Digital Photography

       add pictures by Thursday Google share and Print! with EXIT slip ( 3 interesting things to you).

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