Monday, February 11, 2019

week# 3: PPT# 1 & 2

Powerpoint #1 - share via Google Slides
Compare and contrast Point and Shoot and DSLR cameras (add the hybrid - mirrorless too).
suggestion of slide order...
Last Friday 2/8/19
1.Cover slide with your Class code and QR code.
2. Define and show pictures of Compact vs. DSLR Cameras. (include prices on all camera models)
3. Your Phone's Camera - Specs and Features (sensor/megapixels, etc) state your sources... 
4. Compact camera of your choice (substitute for your phone camera) buying from Best Buy...
cite your sources, it's research!
Monday 2/11/19- compare prices, megapixels, sensor, shutter speed, size + weight
5. DSLR Canon T-6 (add your diagram too)
6. Canon 5D MARK IV ( most expensive)  2018
7. Sony Alpha 390 (substitute)
8. Mirrorless Camera Sony Alpha 3000
Tuesday 2/12/19
9. Your choice camera is___ why? and how to take care of DSLR cameras
10. new type cameras in 2018-19... goPros, 360 degrees, drone (aerial view)
11. (upload your newly taken photo - screen shot your EXIF to be placed next to your photos)
compare the picture taken by your phone and the Canon T-6... put the pictures side by side and write out your observation.
screen shot of uploaded photo - crop to get INFO

Wednesday 2/13/19
after you finish your research about the different types of cameras on Google slides we will be printing it out in the HANDOUT style... goto FILE--> select PREVIEW ---> choose 9 slides per page on the top left corner and print with "double sided" selected on your printer.

when you get your printout, write down what technology skills you have used/ learned doing this PPT#1.  Submit as EXIT ticket!

extra credit 1: Video review

Learn how to use a Digital Single Reflex Lens camera... google doc shared.
Do now: Share and talk (comment) on your neighbor's #2 best photo so far... 
Comment on 1 picture per day. 

Start on PPT# 2

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