Friday, February 14, 2020

winter break photo story = FOOD

2/14/2020 - Happy Valentine's Day <3

Do Now: Free write a story that's food related... 
Email your short story about FOOD (draft)... make sure to include (answer) the 5Ws. (10 minutes) 
due after first 10 min.          AJS11-0__ Your name: Food story draft
write the story first.... before taking photos.
 (favorites food, documentary food diary, food shopping, hanging out with food, etc.)
example from Matthew Klein's Flickr or

over the break, use your food story as your basis for taking the pictures # 16-25 (google photo album)
Use what you've learned (element of art & design principles as your photo rubrics.)

make sure all 25 photos are labeled due when we get back on Feb 24, 2020

Extra credit: go visit a CAMERA shop and write about your visit... take pictures too!

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