Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13/2020 Midterm check (email links)

Science day attendance form -
Do now: email links. AJS11-0__ your name midterm check links
PPT# 4: Camera Lens
Project # 2: Bokeh Portraits
PPT# 5: Light and Exposure
Google photo album link: PS# 2 & practice photos (# 31  to #48) acct link

today's task, your choices:
1. Rube Goldberg machines... bar of soap challenges sample video
how to  make a machine... (things to consider).
upload video to your google drive and share/email link

2. just watch a PBS video and some Q & A.
   one suggestion: the avian flu before Covid-19....
    watch one of the many videos from PBS and answer the questions.

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