Thursday, June 4, 2020

6/4/2020 PD day

6/4/2020 attendance form -

use today to catch up or do extra credit photo story about the recent BLM protest.
as you can see the importance of a photojournalist today out there covering the events.

** sorry that some of you had trouble getting to the attendance form yesterday. it worked on my blog. In the future, if the google classroom has a problem, always check the blog too **

semester 3 check list
1.)top10 compositions article review and practice (google photos # 61-70) google doc due 5/7/2020
2.)Mother's day photostory#3 (google photo # 71-80) MP3 photo story slide due 5/13/2020
3.)PPT# 6: History of Photography google slide due 5/26/2020
photo critique questions were imbedded in the attendance form of 5/26 to 5/29 go there to fill out.
4.)PS#4: composition ABCs due 6/4/20
5.)mimicking the masters: presentation of 3 photographers. due 6/8/20

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