Wednesday, March 10, 2021

MP1 Test part 1: Value of light

IF you have a DSLR - try the yellow or blue setting.

 In Aperture Mode : Adjust the f-stop to F/7.1 for (odd#)F/20 (even#)

In Shutter Speed Mode: Adjust the shutter speed or exposure to 1/200 sec(odd#) 1/125 sec for (even#)

Take one in this setting. if the picture comes out too bright or too dark. you may NEED to make some adjustments to obtain a properly exposed photo without flash.

Upload JPG to Google photo album as pic #30a,30b

#30a: Test default setting - even lighting
#30b: corrected setting - spot lighting

Origami crane with shadow....
for DSLR only *****Google drive & share Fixed.CR2 first as Part 1*****

email with the subject line:
AJS11-0__ Your name MP1 test
Body is the google photo album link + the link to your google share file
then attach 30 a & 30 b

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