Monday, May 3, 2021

PPT# 6: History of Photography

  Class work start on PPT # 6 due nextweek 

Ch 10 reading on History of Photography from textbook.... pdf also in pupuilpath assignment. 

MondayIntro & Daguerreotype, (pg 181-

Tuesday: Calotype, Collodion Wet-Plate
Wednesday  Gelatin Emulsion / Roll-Film base & color photography
HW: finish up PS#3 due 5-5-21

Thurs:  Early Portrait, Travel Photography and Images of War
Friday:  Time and Motion in Early Photographs, Document

************************************************************************** Start on PS# 4 (mother's day?) due 5-12-21

MonSocial Change and Photojournalism
Tues: Photography as Art in 19th century, Pictorial Photography and Photo secession,
WedDirect image in Art, Quest for a new vision

Thurs: Photography as Art in 1950-60s, 70-80s ; 
Fri: Color photography arrives again & Digital Photography

Due 5-14-21       add pictures by Friday Google share and Print! with EXIT slip ( 3 interesting things to you).

article review.

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