Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Quiz 2B on edmodo: on PPT# 5 today.

 Do now: email MP2 check list and make sure to have the food story printed by today for peer evaluation tomorrow.

MP2= 1,2,3 Pls email the links to AJS11-0_ your name MP2 checklist

1- food diary (print out) link

2- PPT# 4 : Camera Lens link

    PPT# 5 : Light & Exposure link

3- Project 2: Bokeh Portraits (print out) link e.c. Aperture braceketing

    Project 3: White balance (print out) link e.c Customized WB with DSLR

    Project 4: Art of Shutter speed (print out) link e.c Physiogram 

* Album link (30%) link

Last 10% is from the Quizzes.

Class work Quiz 2B (30 minutes) Review PPT# 5 & project 3 & 4

HW: make album for MP3

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