Friday, December 23, 2022

PPT#6 ch 10 summary due

Do now: Mid term album check (PS#3, #4 and Project 5 mimics) QR code + 23 photos. attach link to the google assignment.

Presentation peer evaluation.
pls Send an email to of your peer evaluation as your participation.
AJS11-0     (your name) Presentation date: 12/23/2022 presentation 
reply with another set of evaluations if there's more presenter.

Presenter's name                                                     Evaluation by 
master photographer# 1=                                                              genre=
original critique:  element of art =            lighting =              composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)      why?

master photographer# 2=                                                              genre=

original critique: element of art =            lighting =               composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)       why?

master photographer#3=                                                               genre=

original critique: element of art =              lighting =              Composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)        why?  

Presentation grade =       % because  

which one was your favorite?                         what did you like about it? Be specific!
HW: Submit PPT#6 Day 5 on pg 203-213

PS# 4 when we return in 2023.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

PPT# 6: History of Photography summary- Day 4

Do now:  open your Project 5 and see if you have highlighted the answers of your master's photo critiques answers.

               art elementslighting and compositions should be in highlights.

Did you upload your PS#4 photos to your album... Mid-marking period check tomorrow. You should have 23 pictures.  

Classwork: if your class has student presentations 

pls Send an email to of your peer evaluation as your participation.
AJS11-0     (your name) Presentation date: 12/22/2022 presentation 
reply with another set of evaluations if there's more presenter.

Presenter's name                                                     Evaluation by 
master photographer# 1=                                                              genre=
original critique:  element of art =            lighting =              composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)      why?

master photographer# 2=                                                              genre=

original critique: element of art =            lighting =               composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)       why?

master photographer#3=                                                               genre=

original critique: element of art =              lighting =              Composition = 
Mimicked photo =(Letter grade: A B C D)        why?  

Presentation grade =       % because  

which one was your favorite?                         what did you like about it? Be specific!

if no one is presenting then continue to work on your summarization for PPT# 6: History of Photography - Day 4 (pg 200-203)

HW: update album (PS3 # 61-70, PS4 #71-80 & Project 5 Mimicking the masters # 101,102,103)

label correctly with number, title and descriptions. 101,102,103 label as my mimic of Your master photographer's name and original picture link followed by what did you mimicked in yours.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

PPT # 6 on Ch 10 (Day 3) + PS# 4 due

 Do now: did you write your draft for PS# 4? what did you write about? Reminder, it is due today.

from yesterday's reading... what were the 3 main genres of photography in the early stages? 

Classwork: Continue on PPT# 6 Pg 192 to 199 (slide 6)

HW: PS# 4 due & upload google photo # 71-80

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Day 2 on PPT# 6

 Do now:   

did you private comment on the calendar assignment with the date you signed up to present & mark as done?

from yesterday's reading... who was the first person to capture an image on a medium? 

Classwork:  Turn in your handout on Project 5 (printout)
read and summarize pg 186- 191 in the next 2 slides.
do you know the sequence of photography developments?  what were the different types of photography in the early days?

HW: What is your topic/category for PS#4 due tomorrow?  
( go ahead and unsubmit from last week's photostory to work on PS#4)

Monday, December 19, 2022

PPT# 6: History of Photography (read and summarize)

 Do now: Turn in your Project 5 printout & sign up on the class calendar to see which day you like to present your project # 5. (google doc attached)  you may also unsubmit your photostory to work on PS# 4

Classwork: Start on reading and summarization of CH 10  in PPT# 6. see Material for the textbook and scroll down to CH 10 (pg 180 to 213)

HW: Project # 5: 101,102,103 
label them as follows: 101- my mimic of (master photographer's name) and link + explanation of what did you mimicked.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Project 5 Conclusion + printing

 Do now: Upload your mimicked photos to the photo album and add number, my mimic of Master photographer _______ : link to the original photo. what did you mimicked?

Classwork: last slide- Conclusion - 
1.what did you learn? 
2.what was easy or difficult when you mimicked the master's pictures. 
3.which one was your favorite? why?

HW: submit & print out 1 pg summary on Project 5 and work on PS# 4 over weekend.
(goto FILE --> Print Preview ---> choose Handout - 9 slide per page then print out)


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Mimicking the masters Day - photo # 101, 102 & 103

 Do now: Did you submit your PS# 3 on the topic of your choice yesterday?

Classwork: by now you should 3 master photos critiqued...

We will proceed on following the formula of mimic by taking your photo with similar lighting and composition on your phone. 

Hw: These will be uploaded to your google photo album as # 101,102 & 103

update the photo album with Ps#3 too. start on PS# 4 due next Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Ps# 3 Photostory on your topic due today + Digital photographer for Project 5

 Do now: Mp3 so far... Top 10 compositions, Photo critiques (last week) This week Project 5, Photostory#3 Due today - what is your topic for this week's Photostory# 3?


Coninue with your project 5: Today is photographer # 3: Digital photographer...

 Slide 7: start your research on your Digital photographer from after 2000. Find their portrait, the camera used with their contribution to photography, and the genre of photography they have left behind. Slide 8: critique the photo you have chosen from them. then mimic with your phone.

HW: PS # 3 due today. what is your topic for this week's photostory? write your story answering the 5Ws & the photos you take with your phone goes into your google photo album as # 61-70.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Project 5: day 2 - Color photographer

Do now: Mp3 so far... Top 10 compositions, Photo critiques (last week) This week Project 5, Photostory#3 Due tomorrow - what is your topic for this week's Photostory# 3?


Coninue with your project 5: Today is photographer # 2 : COLOR film photographer...

 Slide 5: start your research on your Color photographer from late 1900s. Find their portrait, the camera used with their contribution to photography, and the genre of photography they have left behind. Slide 6: critique the photo you have chosen from them. then mimic with your phone.

HW: PS # 3 due tomorrow. what is your topic for this week's photostory? write your story answering the 5Ws & the photos you take with your phone goes into your google photo album as # 61-70.

                                                                *** For fun SnowDays - It's Always Snowing Here ***

Monday, December 12, 2022

Project 5: Mimicking the masters & presentation to follow...

 Do now: Finalize your Project 5 selection to make sure you met the criteria of Photographers are known for their Black & White, Color and then digital photo work. and NO REPEATS. everyone has different ones.

Classwork: make cover sheets and then transfer your slide from last Friday to replace 2nd slide from your project 5 template. Slide 3: start your research on your B & W photographer from 1900s. Find their portrait, camera used and their contribution to photography and the genre of photography they have left behind. Slide 4: critique the photo you have chosen from them.

HW: PS # 3 due by Wednesday. what is your topic for this week's photostory? write your story answering the 5Ws & the photos you take with your phone goes into your google photo album as # 61-70.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Day3: Photo critique practice & weekend Photostory # 3

Did you submit your Top 10 compositions definitions on Tuesday? if late write a review for this Video... Take Your Digital Photography to the Next Level!  watch this video

 Do now: email your three photographers' name and a link to the photo that you would like to be considered for Project 5 Mimicking the masters.  slide link

from yesterday - - - who were your 3 master photographers? double check the list to make sure your have your unique ones... what genre was their photography about. Try to pick 3 different ones.

pls private comment before turning in your list.

Classwork: Day 3 of Photo critique Picture # 5 & 6

(Taking away the excess - dark gray area)
quick-crop Effect at

Critique picture # 5 

1. What is the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see? hard, soft, transmitted or reflected light
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot? 
ISO _____, f/ ____, ______sec, ______mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Critique picture # 6

HW: PS# 3 - taking photos with new rubrics - top 10 compositions Due 12-14-22

HW: Weekly Photostories google slide on google classwork. Start taking pictures this weekend. PS# 3 due Wednesday.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Photo critque - Day 2 (photo # 3 & 4)

 Photo critique # 3 & picking master photographers... for Project 5

 Do now: goto google class room for your class list... Pls pick 3 photographers from the list for your project 5 next week. no repeats. AJS11-06

Critique Photo Day 2

picture #3

1. What is the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see?
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?
   ISO= ________, f/ _________, __________sec. ___________mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?


Q4: Reference chart


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

How to Critique a Photo...

 Do now: new MP3 album made? Turned in your Top 10 composition assignments? 

 what is your Photo- story # 3 going to be about? (your category / genre)

how do you critique a photograph?

on a loose leaf let's practice... due as exit slip
1. What is the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see?
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?
    ISO_____, F-stop F/ __, shutter speed ____sec and focal length ____ mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?
critique# 1 pc:flickr by Marie Coleman

reminder... type of light maybe HARD, SOFT, TRANSMITTED or REFLECTED
ART ELEMENTS         vs            10 composition rules 
 Lines                             ⤄              Rule of Thirds                        Background    
 shapes / form               ⤄              Balancing Elements                Depth  
 space                           ⤄              Leading Lines                         Framing    
 value                                          Symmetry and Patterns          Cropping  
 Texture                                       Viewpoint                              Experimentation
critique # 2 Pc:flickr by Delila

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Weekly Photostory & quiz 2 B corrections

 Do now: did you work on your top 10 compositions yesterday? add your 6 topics to the HW cover page.

Classwork: Finish top 10 compositions & Quiz 2B correction. 

HW: start on your Weekly photo- story due every Wednesday.... first one due 12-14-22

Friday, December 2, 2022

Mp3 starts today -

 Do now: wrap up Mp2

did you email the report card links for MP2? pls reply with your reflection.
based on all the work submitted what grade do you think you have earned this Marking period.
which project was your favorite? what will you improve next marking period?

Classwork: plan out Mp3 photostories.
                     email 6 possible topics.
HW: read & define TOP 10 compositions and watch video.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

MP2 Quiz 2B: CH 3 - Light and Exposure

Album check list-
entire album due 12/1/22 (Number, label and described)


Do now: email MP2 check list 

MP2= 1,2,3 Pls email the links to AJS11-0_ your name MP2 checklist

1- food diary (peer evaluated) link

2- PPT# 4 : Camera Lens link

    PPT# 5 : Light & Exposure link

3- Project 2: Bokeh Portraits (print out) link e.c. Aperture braceketing

    Project 3: White balance (print out) link e.c Customized WB with DSLR

    Project 4: Art of Shutter speed (print out) link e.c Physiogram 

* Album link (30%) link

Last 10% is from the Quizzes.

Class work Quiz 2B (30 minutes) Review PPT# 5 & project 3 & 4

HW: make album & Qr code for MP3

MP2 Quiz 2B

  AJS11-01 ...

AJS11-02...      AJS11-04 ...       AJS11-06..      AJS11-08...

MP2 album due 12-1-22

#31-40  Photostory # 2:Food Diary (HW assignment) Due Nov 5, 2022
#41-42 Exposure triangle: Aperture set -(phone=f/1.8 vs f/16) DSLR f/5.6 vs f/22

#43 Reflecting lights - no reflector - follow the video
#44 Reflecting lights - with reflector

#45 a,b,c - Project test # 2 control (f/22)                                  AV mode or Focos app / Portrait mode
#46 a,b,c - 18mm, 35mm, 55mm (f/5.6) Bokeh

#47-48 Exposure triangle: Shutter Speed set  fast vs. slow
#49-50 Exposure triangle: ISO set under vs over exposure

# 51- ISO bracketing Due: Nov 16 2022                                    M Mode or Focos app / exposure compensation

# 52-55 project #3:White balance by 11-12-22                         LIGHTROOM app to make your phone like DSLR

# 56 - shutter speed bracketing 11/28/22                           TV mode or Slow shutter fast cam app/ Live mode

# 57 - light painting 11/29/22

# 58- Project test # 4: fast shutter speed 11/30/22

# 59 - Project test # 4: slow shutter speed

# 60 - Photoshop of 59 12/1/22