Monday, December 12, 2022

Project 5: Mimicking the masters & presentation to follow...

 Do now: Finalize your Project 5 selection to make sure you met the criteria of Photographers are known for their Black & White, Color and then digital photo work. and NO REPEATS. everyone has different ones.

Classwork: make cover sheets and then transfer your slide from last Friday to replace 2nd slide from your project 5 template. Slide 3: start your research on your B & W photographer from 1900s. Find their portrait, camera used and their contribution to photography and the genre of photography they have left behind. Slide 4: critique the photo you have chosen from them.

HW: PS # 3 due by Wednesday. what is your topic for this week's photostory? write your story answering the 5Ws & the photos you take with your phone goes into your google photo album as # 61-70.

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