Tuesday, April 18, 2023

2nd Marking Period - Organizing documents part 1 & 2

 April Photoshop tutorial - Group Layer tutorial

Organizing documents part 1 & 2 (module 6 & 7) via 21st Century Ed https://nyc-mcsm.matrixlms.com

21st Century Ed - 

Module 3 with Quiz 3 & project 3,   

Module 4 with Quiz 4 & project 4,   

Module 5 with Quiz 5 & project 5,  Birthday.png

Module 6 with Quiz 6 & project 6,  

Module 7 with Quiz 7 & project 7


Classwork: Website Project 6 due 5/4/23
Make an PSD with a pattern background. Write your LAST name  so you can fill them with a gradient of 4 colors or more. background use a pattern defined by you. finish with some custom brush and shape work filled with Swatches, gradient, and pattern.

decorate with shapes and custom brushes.


Mp2 Website test - check to see if your link is posted here


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