Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Planning for Project Test 2: Bokeh portraits at home (Q& A tomorrow)

Do now:

 pls read and summarize the article on Bokeh portraits. try it yourself.

email your summary with phone pictures.

Classwork: pick up a slip or use your looseleaf write the answers to the planning Qs. 

submit exit slip at the end of the period.

Proposal and procedure for Project # 2
                   AIM:Which Focal length produces the best Bokeh effect?           

1.who is your model(s)? anybody outside of Photography class _____________________ will you pose your subject? (posing video) take only from chest up "go close" and the background should be at least ___ feet away.
3.where will you be taking the photo? Indoor or outdoor
4.what kind of lighting? __________ reflector needed? Yes or No
5.what is your DSLR setting? what mode will you be shooting in? ____ will you set up for each photo? upload to Google Photo
# 45abc- Control ( all clear and focus) aperture = f/ _____  ( take at 3 focal lengths)
# 46 a Bokeh at 18 mm max aperture= F/ __
# 46 b Bokeh at 35 mm max aperture= F/ __      Common F-stop = _______
# 46 c Bokeh at 55 mm max aperture= F/ __
(move in and out as you adjust the zoom on the lens to keep the subject same size)
#46 d Photoshopped  so its your ART piece. goto Edit and use the photo editor.
Extra credit:
read this before shooting your project

classwork: take 6 photos from the waist up for headshots with background
photo 1,2,3 - Control: F/22 simulation (regular camera mode) #45 a b c 
                  change to F/5.6 simulation (portrait mode) 
photographers move back and forth to keep the picture the same for comparison.
4th photo - variable in focal length 18mm(wide angle or .5x -zoom out-) #46a
5th photo - variable in focal length  35mm(no zoom) # 46b
6th photo - variable in focal length 55mm(tele photo or2x -zoom in-) #46c

upload to google photo album to see the EXIF data...

if your phone doesn't have portrait mode - download the FOCOS app 
HW: update your MP2 photo album.
# 31-40: PS# 2:Food Diary - a review of art elements and design principles.
# 41-42 : Aperture set (Dof =depth of field)
# 43-44: Redirecting light - with and without Reflectors
Project test 2: Bokeh portraits.
# 45abc - Deep Dof at different focal length. (Phone- regular mode or f/22)
# 46 abc - Shallow Dof at different focal length. (Phone- portrait mode or f/5.6 or larger)

Practice for home work with your classmate using DSLR for the rest of the period.

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