Wednesday, November 20, 2013

week #5 Update and wrap up

Monday: Update Flickr to 33 required photos.
Tuesday : Quiz # 3
Wednesday: Project #3 due with write up.
Thurday: History of Photography
Friday: Submit your proposal of Mimicking a great photographer.and 6 themes for 3rd marking period.
*********************************************************** Report card time!********

This marking period your grade will be based on 3-2-1 with 40 Flickr pix.
3 powerpoints - ppt#4 Lens (ch 2) ppt#5 composition  ppt #6 Lights and Exposure (Ch3)
2 projects - Project #2 - Various Aperture effects (Portrait with Bokeh effects)
                - Project #3 - Various shutter speed effects (Motion effects)
1 Test - Made up of the quizzes we took.

*********************************************************** Hope your are doing well***
some tips on improving your work...

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