Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week#4 (Nov 12 to 16) Shutter Speed (Ch 3)

After learning how to compose a picture within the frame, we are going to experiment with Shutter speed this week with Project #3 with 5 shots of various shutter speed (see pg 16-19 &154 in your textbook). We will shoot in Manual or S mode. Again both RAW & jpg file. So we can edit in Photoshop via Bridge if you need a refresher of Photoshop fundamentals goto http://www.tutorialboard.net/psfundamentals/ .

shoot with the following setting... ISO 200
Aperture f/8
Shutter speed
1 /30,

1 sec… 
bonus 10 sec by doing a light painting with your name.

meanwhile work on Powerpoint #6 :Ch 3 from our reading and Karl Taylor's lesson 7 and 8 (video).

Read pp 51 to 70 (Lighting and exposure) 12 slides. Due next week Monday. (Quiz 3a and 3b)

1 comment:

  1. Edit your final projects in Photoshop Bridge
    see http://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/getting-to-know-the-adobe-camera-raw-interface--psd-30207
