Tuesday, December 9, 2014

DoE ART Benchmarks


Visual Arts
Art Making
In a three-year major art sequence students master various materials and techniques to develop a portfolio that reflects a personal style and the awareness of the power of art to illuminate, inform, and influence opinion

Developing Art Literacy
Students hone observation skills and discuss works of art; develop visual arts vocabulary to describe art making, the tools and techniques used to produce art, and the elements and principles of design; read and write about art to reinforce literacy skills; interpret artwork by providing evidence to support assertions; reflect on the process of making art.

Making Connections Through Visual Arts
Students recognize the societal, cultural, and historical significance of art; connect the visual arts to other disciplines; apply the skills and knowledge learned in visual arts to interpreting the world.

Community and Cultural Resources
By working with a variety of school staff, students access primary resources in the community, the borough, and the city to extend their learning beyond the classroom.

Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning
Students gain an awareness of careers in visual arts; recognize personal, social and professional goals; develop a career plan; learn to work independently and in teams; gain an appreciation of art as a source of enjoyment and lifelong learning.

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