Thursday, December 4, 2014

Project 5: Mimicking the Masters

Class work

now you have done the research for the History of Photography

Lets find some work for us to imitate! 3 pictures is needed to complete this assignment.

answer these questions before you imitate.
1. what is the lighting like?
2. what composition do you observe in the master photo.
3. how would you set up your shoot? (who/ where/how) and of course initial camera setting.

Take that picture!

4. how did it go? were you successful? If not, how will you fix it?
5. Post processing.... adjustment to achieve the final result.
6. Post on FLickr as photo # 38,39,40

Presentation Time
Weekend Home work: (Every Friday is the due date for A theme)
send me the 6 themes and the plans you have for the 3rd marking period (Photo-essay).
add the last 60 photos for the semester.

you can check DPS weekly challege for ideas
and read up as refresher.

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