Thursday, January 5, 2017

week #5 MP3 Check list (next week is FINALS)

Powerpoint 6: Ch 10- History of Photography summarized with visuals (google slide shared and printed)
 You have to log in to Pupilpath to read ch 10. (goto Assignments) Due12-6-16 ( 10%)

Quiz on 12-9-16 (5%)

Project # 5: Mimicking the Masters with presentation due 12-16-16 (30%) Flickr # 101,102,103
                   ( please include the link to the original master photo in the description)

 Photo critiques, Peer evaluation and Project evaluation form (next week)= (15%)

Homework: Photo-story due every Tuesday  send flickr album link to
There is a 10% deduction for late work!
all photo must be labeled and with descriptions to receive full credit...
Album description: what is the story of your theme and topic?
example: # 61: Rule of third + soft light: the apple is placed off centered to the right side, taking only 1/3 of the overall space in the frame.
Photostory # 3: Your topic / theme with top 10 compositions due 12-13-16 (10%) Flickr # 61-70

Photostory # 4: Your topic / theme with top 10 compositions due 12-20-16 (10%) Flickr # 71-80

Photostory # 5: Your topic / theme with top 10 compositions due 12-27-16 (10%) Flickr # 81-90

Photostory # 6: Your topic / theme with top 10 compositions due 1-3-17 (10%) Flickr # 91-100

semester credit is earned with all 3 marking periods work.

Art final 1/19/17 ( top 10 photos and their edits) Flickr album with semester performance reflection.
  Last day of class Jan 23, 2017 (Return all borrowed books/ equipment to receive credit).

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