Tuesday, January 31, 2017

week#1: Welcome to Digital Photography for 1 Art credit

(Tues)Welcome to Digital Photography

Students are here for one of the 2 Liberal Arts credits for graduation.
This course is 1 semester only. This is a beginner's course...

Material needed are: Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera & SD card

Product Detailsor 
Get it by Tomorrow, Feb 2
More Buying Choices
FREE Shipping on eligible orders

Website access to Flickr.com via Yahoo account  (upload selfie)
( You can personalize your acct in settings)

HW: Parent signature on computer lab contract! Get Sd card too.
         Upload a selfie to your Flickr acct. send your flickr link to
mcsmphoto@gmail.com - subj: AJS11-0__ Your name's Flickr link

Please sit in your assigned computer station as we go over the
computer lab rules...

Please sign in agreement and bring it home for parent signature.We will sign up for a Flickr.com account & upload a selfie in the Photostream.send your flickr link to mcsmphoto@gmail.com

Get SD card (2GB or more)...due next week Monday and install the Flickr app Apple iOS or Android

HW: Parent signature on computer lab contract. & Selfie and Qr code due 2/1/17

(Wed) 2/1/17 : Press pass with Qr code 

Do now:
paste your Flickr link to step 2
step 3 download the newly made qr code to the desktop as YOUR NAME qrcode
Reply in email to mcsmphoto@gmail.com and send in as attachment.

 HW:Best picture and labeling of each Portfolio pictures 2/2/17
Get SD card over the weekend due 2/6/17

next week DSLR diagram with Powerpoint # 1

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