Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Return all DSLR

did you send me all the links to the work due for the semester? print out all the assignments?

Tuesday: Randomly assigned flickr photo check.
On a loose leaf copy down the title and description of the assigned # photos and grade them with letter grade of each photo stating why they have that grade.

AJS11-02: # 2,12,22,32,42,52,62,72,82,92 and 102

AJS11-03 #3,13,23,33,43,53,63,73,83,93,103

AJS11-04# 4,14,24,34,44,54,64,74,84,94 and 101
AJS11-07# 7,17,27,37,47,57,67,77,87,97 and 102

AJS11-08 # 8,18,28,38,48,58,68,78,88,98 and 103  Due at the end of the period.

Peer Photo-stories evaluations
Look for all the photostories assigned this marking period.

MP3 = PS# 3,4,5 and 6

which one was the best the best?

for example...
I liked photostory # 3 the best...
so I will grade picture # 61- 70
# 61: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 62: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 63: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 64: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 65: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 66: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 67: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 68: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 69: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 70: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____

Thursday: self evaluation
                 MP3 packet 6 print outs due

Friday: top 10 album / Naviance sign up / make up presentations

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