Friday, November 30, 2018

Photo critique day 3

Do Now: Day 3 Photo Critique (10 min)
                                          original to square

Critique picture # 5

1. Can you identify the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see? hard, soft, transmitted or reflected light
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot? 
ISO _____, f/ ____, ______sec, ______mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Critique picture # 6

Thursday, November 29, 2018

photo critique day 2 : 11/29/18 Start on Ch10 PPT # 6

reminder... type of light maybe HARD, SOFT, TRANSMITTED or REFLECTED
ART ELEMENTS         vs            10 composition rules 
 Lines                             ⤄              Rule of Thirds                        Background    
 shapes / form               ⤄              Balancing Elements                Depth  
 space                           ⤄              Leading Lines                         Framing    
 value                                          Symmetry and Patterns          Cropping  
 Texture                                       Viewpoint                              Experimentation

Critique picture #3

1. Can you identify the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see?
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?
   ISO= ________, f/ _________, __________sec. ___________mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Critique picture #4

Class work start on PPT # 6 due next week 
Ch 10 reading on History of Photography from textbook.... pdf found in pupuilpath assignment. 
Thurs: Intro & Daguerreotype, Calotype, Collodion Wet-Plate
     Friday: Gelatin Emulsion / Roll-Film base & color photography.
Share cover page today due 12/6/18 print by Friday.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

MP3 wk # 1: how do you critique a photograph?

Do Now:

how do you critique a photograph?

on a loose leaf let's practice...
1. Can you identify the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see?
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot?
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?
critique# 1 pc:flickr by Marie Coleman
critique # 2 Pc:flickr by Delila

Class work: start on your Photostory write up on Google slide share by the end of the period. PS# 3 due next week Wednesday 12-5-18 (share and print) take the photos with your phone from now on. DSLR optional.

How to see the 2018 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting in person

  • Start time: 7 p.m. ET
  • Where: 30 Rockefeller Plaza, located between West 48th and 51st Streets and Fifth and Sixth Avenues
  • Cost: Free
  • Tickets: No tickets are required, space is first come first served

Monday, November 26, 2018

MP3:week#1 - taking better photos! (photostories proposals and 10 composition Tips)

DO now: Monday 11-26-18

on a looseleaf write down what you think you are getting for MP2 based on 3 strength you have in this class. Then follow up with a statement of improvement for the last marking period.

1. MP2 album link 

2. Due 11-01-18 PS# 2: Cityscape -a Photography is Art review (ppt#2) with peer evaluation

3. Due 10-22-18 Ppt# 4 : Ch 2 internet research on Lens with worksheet
4. Due 11-02-18 Ppt# 5 : Ch 3 reading / research on Light and Exposure with ISO bracketing.

5. Due 10-29-18 Project test #2: Bokeh Effect portrait with write up
6. Due 11-09-18 Project test #3: White Balance (WB) with write up 
7. Due 11-20-18 Project test #4Shutter Speed effects with write up  

* are you missing any assignments? 
   Extra credits?  extra credit Poster with real photos Due Nov 26, 2018

start on Google doc of TOP 10 composition with 6 photostories proposals

My 6 proposed photostories for MP3.
2. ________________________

define the 10 composition in your own word, then goto to find a picture that matches your definition. (click on Discover then categories to get ideas)
we are starting MP3 with the top 10 composition for your artwork photos....

Take Your Digital Photography to the Next Level!  watch this video
  Due 11-27-18 share only
Justify why you are a Photo-Artist!

update your portfolio to 100 pictures... or 100%

we have 60 as our foundation, now its time to shine... showcase your BEST work.

need 4 more different themes with minimum of 10 shots per theme.

upload to Google Photo album MP3 on a weekly basis in sets  "photostory#1 of 6 : Food " "photostory #2 of 6 : Cityscape" and so on....
Please shoot in MANUAL "M" Mode with RAW+ L (.cr2  and JPEG) format! (DSLR)

Are you shooting portraits? Read this first!

61-70: photostory #3 in 10 different composition and lighting Due12-5-18 

71-80: photostory #4 in 10 different composition and lighting Due 12-12-18 

81-90: photostory  #5 in 10 different composition and lighting Due 12-19-18 

91-100: photostory  #6 in 10 different composition and lighting Due 1-2-19 (Happy New Year)

My 6 proposed photostories for MP3.
2. ________________________

Up Next   CH 10 summaries with pictures/diagrams.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Canon Rebel T6 Digital SLR Camera with 2 Lenses for $299 Shipped
Burning Hot Deal!
 Add Comment    Direct LinkBookmark and Share
Canon Rebel T6 Digital SLR Camera with 2 Lenses for $299 ShippedAdorama is offering the Canon EOS Rebel T6 DSLR 2 Lens Camera Kit + Pixma Pro-110 Printer Bundle for the best deal. The lens are 55mm IS and 75-300mm III Lenses

Regular Price is $549.99 Shipped

1. Adorama Price is $649 Shipped

2. Rebate Price is $350.00
Expires 12/31/18

Final Price is $299 Shipped After Rebate

Monday, November 19, 2018

wk# 6: Project # 4 (end of MP2)

Mon: sub 11-19-18
        Work on Project #4's write up. (share googe doc).
for attendance today answer these Q's via email.
For my project # 4 : I choose to create my artwork similar to picture# ___ (choose # 56 or # 57)
I will take the 2 photos with _____. (choose DSLR or phone app ______).
slow shutter fast cam app for iphone
for control photo # 58 I will shoot normally at a shutter speed of ________ sec.
for my shutter speed photo # 59 I will shoot with a shutter speed of _______ sec.

Tuesday: 11-20-18
Editing photo - adjusting exposure / color to finalize your artwork. Picture # 60
Finish Project # 4 write up share & print.
HW: Continue to update your MP2 album &
reply to your previous email with the final 2 links (project # 4 & MP2 album link)

Wednesday: 11-21-18
  * be ready for cityscape photostory peer evaluation.
due today

MP2 focus - Exposure triangle

Due 11-01-18 PS# 2: Cityscape -a Photography is Art review (ppt#2) with peer evaluation

Due 10-22-18 Ppt# 4 : Ch 2 reading / research on Lens with worksheet
Due 11-02-18 Ppt# 5 : Ch 3 reading / research on Light and Exposure with ISO bracketing.

Due 10-29-18 Project test #2: Bokeh Effect portrait with write up
Due 11-09-18 Project test #3: White Balance (WB) with write up  
Due 11-20-18 Project test #4Shutter Speed effects with write up

Extra credit offered so far... all due Nov 26, 2018

  1. 7 scenario pictures taken with your setting on the worksheet.
  2. White balance correction.
  3. Poster of all 3 projects. extra credit Poster with real photos

* Happy Thanksgiving...    extra credit poster of all 3 projects (My understanding of the Exposure triangle).        

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Wk# 5: Practice for Project # 4: effect of various shutter speed

Thursday: Practice how to capture motion with Shutter Speed bracketing picture# 56 Upload & share!

(Friday)Do this in class light painting practice...
still TV mode but start with 1 second, add more time if needed - might need tripod.
light paint your name or initial (picture #57)
going further Light portraits
or make Physiogram


choose a shutter speed project to be done outside class.

Monday: Project Test # 4
Shutter speed in the City

  • Effects of various Shutter Speed... Must be done outside of school (NY City Scape) Get out there!

    What setting would you use for this picture?
    Taken by former student - Nicholas 
  • Flickr/Google photo picture # 58-60
    #58 - fast shutter speed
    #59- slower shutter speed
    #60 Photo edit version
  • Monday 11-19-18
  • Project #4: Effect of Various Shutter Speed Write up... 
  • #1: Explain how you derived your camera setting for this project? (what was the lighting condition like?)
  • #2:How did the camera captured the motion?
  • #3:What did you do for your post-editting?
  • #4:How is your photo an artwork? (also include composition).
  • *                                   

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Quiz on

goto join my class to access quiz

Join my class to access the quiz...

Fall 2018 class code = tjd86w

Tuesday on PPT #4: Camera Lens

Wednesday on PPT #5: Light & Exposure

sign in to with your gmail acct.

click on your class.




Extra credit offered so far... all due Nov 26, 2018

  1. 7 scenario pictures taken with your setting on the worksheet.
  2. White balance correction.
  3. Poster of all 3 projects.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Donate a photo for Charity...


Holiday Food Drive
MCSM is holding a food drive to benefit City Meals on Wheels! You can help us provide healthy foods for homebound elderly this holiday season by donating the following items:
�Non-perishable foods (canned vegetables, beans, fruits, etc.)
�Canned proteins (tuna, salmon)
�Juice boxes
�Whole grain pasta, brown rice, quinoa
�Low salt/no salt added soups
�Multigrain cereal
Please consider donating to help MCSM help homebound seniors!
Collection boxes can be found in room 149 and in room 107.  Thank you!
11-9-18 Do now... except project # 4
send the links to the following...
Mp2 assignments..

MP2 focus - Exposure triangle

Due 10-22-18 Ppt# 4 : Ch 2 reading / research on Lens with worksheet
Due 11-02-18 Ppt# 5 : Ch 3 reading / research on Light and Exposure with ISO bracketing.

Due 10-29-18 Project test #2: Bokeh Effect portrait with write up
Due 11-09-18 Project test #3: White Balance (WB) with write up  extra credit Poster with real photos
Due 11-15-18 Project test #4Shutter Speed effects with write up  Due Nov 26, 2018

Due 11-01-18 PS# 2: Cityscape -a Photography is Art review (ppt#2) with peer evaluation

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

MP2 photo album list

Quiz on (Tuesday) sign in with google acct.

Google photo MP2 Album # 31-60

#31-40  Photostory # 2: Cityscape (HW assignment) Due Nov 1, 2018

#41-42 Exposure triangle: Aperture set - f/5.6 vs f/22
#43-44 Exposure triangle: Shutter Speed set  fast vs. slow
#45-46 Exposure triangle: ISO set under vs over exposure

#47 Reflecting lights - no reflector
#48 Reflecting lights - with reflector

#49 - Project test # 2 control (f/22)
#50 a,b,c - 18mm, 35mm, 55mm (f/5.6)
# 50 d - photoshop of the the best Bokeh effect portrait ( extra credit - filters)

Mid term

# 51- ISO bracketing Due: Nov 5 2018

# 52-55 White balance by 11-6-18

# 56 - shutter speed bracketing

# 57 - light painting

# 58- Project test # 4: fast shutter speed

# 59 - Project test # 4: slow shutter speed
# 60 - Photoshop of 59

Monday, November 5, 2018

Mp2 wk4: Project # 3: iso bracketing and white balance (WB)

Monday: Turn in PPT# 5 share and print.

Project # 3: ISO bracketing in different lights (WB)
Monday: ISO bracketing (#51) taking a picture at each ISO setting until you find the good one!
upload as # 51 in Google photo album (label and add description) share.
Tuesday: Election Day
Wednesday: White Balance (WB) video
Wed: demonstrate visual balance, or unity ( more than one subject) under different light. (color white must be present for White balance).

See the source image     See the source image
 See the source image                       
See the source image

#52 (AWB), 53 ( incandescent / Tungsten : 3200K)

This Art work needs to demonstrate either visual balance, unity or contrast.

#54 (AWB), #55 (fluorescent : 4000K)
                 #55b adjusted WB shift (E.C.)

Project 3 (mini Test 2 out of 3)
Write up: 
1.How did you create this artwork ( element or Composition wise )?
2.what lighting did you use? did it affect the appearance of "white" in your artwork?
4.How did you determined the correct exposure? (ISO bracketing)
5.what problems did you encountered? (Photo # 55 -too much correction?) did you solve it?

6.what did you learn from this Project?