Thursday, November 15, 2018

Wk# 5: Practice for Project # 4: effect of various shutter speed

Thursday: Practice how to capture motion with Shutter Speed bracketing picture# 56 Upload & share!

(Friday)Do this in class light painting practice...
still TV mode but start with 1 second, add more time if needed - might need tripod.
light paint your name or initial (picture #57)
going further Light portraits
or make Physiogram


choose a shutter speed project to be done outside class.

Monday: Project Test # 4
Shutter speed in the City

  • Effects of various Shutter Speed... Must be done outside of school (NY City Scape) Get out there!

    What setting would you use for this picture?
    Taken by former student - Nicholas 
  • Flickr/Google photo picture # 58-60
    #58 - fast shutter speed
    #59- slower shutter speed
    #60 Photo edit version
  • Monday 11-19-18
  • Project #4: Effect of Various Shutter Speed Write up... 
  • #1: Explain how you derived your camera setting for this project? (what was the lighting condition like?)
  • #2:How did the camera captured the motion?
  • #3:What did you do for your post-editting?
  • #4:How is your photo an artwork? (also include composition).
  • *                                   

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