Tuesday, November 6, 2018

MP2 photo album list

Quiz on http://www.edmodo.com (Tuesday) sign in with google acct.

Google photo MP2 Album # 31-60

#31-40  Photostory # 2: Cityscape (HW assignment) Due Nov 1, 2018

#41-42 Exposure triangle: Aperture set - f/5.6 vs f/22
#43-44 Exposure triangle: Shutter Speed set  fast vs. slow
#45-46 Exposure triangle: ISO set under vs over exposure

#47 Reflecting lights - no reflector
#48 Reflecting lights - with reflector

#49 - Project test # 2 control (f/22)
#50 a,b,c - 18mm, 35mm, 55mm (f/5.6)
# 50 d - photoshop of the the best Bokeh effect portrait ( extra credit - filters)

Mid term

# 51- ISO bracketing Due: Nov 5 2018

# 52-55 White balance by 11-6-18

# 56 - shutter speed bracketing

# 57 - light painting

# 58- Project test # 4: fast shutter speed

# 59 - Project test # 4: slow shutter speed
# 60 - Photoshop of 59

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