Monday, March 11, 2019

Last week for MP1: Test & report card time.

Monday: Finish PPT# 3 with Photos # 26 to 29 in Manual mode on the DSLR (share & print)
                Photostory peer evaluation

                Extra credit: 500px contest

study by watching this  video
Tuesday: Test (Part 1) taking the photos in class with a personal item. Photos #30a &# 30b uploaded and shared in MP1 album.

Wednesday: Test Part 2: write up (add photos to Qs - print out then answer in writing).

Thursday ( End of marking period) Submit MP1 Photo album (art portfolio).

Start on PPT# 4 for Mp2 on Camera Lenses
Friday: Con't with PPT# 4
             Weekend HW: Photostory # 2- Cityscape (landscape of a city)

Update your Google Photo album   due 3-14-19

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