Friday, March 29, 2019

project 2 (test) Bokeh Portrait due

Do now: Printout cityscape photo-story # 2 (share too).

Project # 2 write Google doc
Write up for Project # 2: Bokeh  effect Portrait  Due Monday 4/1/19 printed
based on your 18mm, 35mm, 55mm portraits (6 pictures)
AJS11-0__ Your name Project # 2: Bokeh Portraits (SHARE google doc)
add QR code
Album link
add the  6 photos with EXIF
Q & A
1.Explain how this Bokeh effect Portrait is an art work. What is the message here?
2.Does it contain an element of art? What about its Design principle? (refer to PPT #2)

3.How did you set up the lighting for this photo-shoot?
4.What kind of lighting did you use? (refer to PPT # 3)

5.How did you come up with the right setting for this picture? (the exit slip)
6.What was the type of lens used for this project? which focal length was best the Bokeh effect?

7.What did you find / learn from this art Project? 
8.What was your experience like working with a live subject?

extra credit: Aperture bracketing.

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