Monday, April 1, 2019

Week # 4: PPT# 5: Light and Exposure (10 slides)

Do Now: Make cover slide for PPT# 5 (share)
AJS11-0__ Your name PPT# 5

Take turn taking ISO Bracketing throughout the week. Study for Quiz next week on both PPT#4 &#5

 read and summarize ch 3 ( click on the link to read)
summarize 2 pages of reading in each slide.

                                                                             copy the textbook image on cover slide

Monday:Read 50-55 & summarize on Powerpoint. (Google slide shared)

            Review Exposure triangle

Tuesday: Pg 56-60 

histogram video

Wednesday: pg 61-65 

Thursday: pg 66-71 add google photos to all slides 

Friday: share and print 

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