Monday, November 16, 2020

week#4 - finishing up PPT#5 & Project /Test #3

 read and summarize the rest of Chapter 3 pg 66-71 for slide # 9 & 10

I have moved the due date back to 11/17/2020 to reduce the workload. but those of you that can finish this week, finish it. Do what you can per day, but still need to show progress. Minimum 1 slide per day.

additional slide 11.... exposure bracketing 

DSLR ppl take a picture using all the available ISO on your camera.

layout the shots in a row and use the best exposure as background on the last slide of PPT#5

ISO Bracketing: Take in Manual Mode (This will be slide #2 on PPT # 5)
all ISO from 100 to 6400 then put into 1 slide today upload as Picture # 56
( ISO bracketing

Using FOCOS app in the exposure mode the selection is right next to the f-stop option. take one of each -2,-1,0,+1,+2 (5 shots in a row) 

Project # 3/test on White balance

Use Focos app for WB function

Project 3 (mini Test 2 out of 3) White balance and designing with Visual Balance.
Write up: 
1.How did you create this artwork ( element or Composition wise )?

2.what lighting did you use? 

3.How did you determined the correct exposure in picture # 51? (ISO bracketing)

4.What is White Balance and how did it affect the appearance of "white" in your artwork?

5.what WB problems did you encountered in picture # 55? did you solve it?

6.what did you learn from this Project?

share -email project #3 google doc link.
Tuesday Update your Photo album with correct numbering and label with descriptions.
#52- AWB under yellow light bulb + observation
#53 -MWB (incandescent) under yellow light bulb + observation.
#54 - AWB under LED light + observation
#55 - MWB (fluorescent) under LED light + Observation

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