Monday, November 23, 2020

week#5: Effect of Shutter Speed Project/ Test # 4

 Practice for shutter speed project...

Daytime shutter speed...

Effect of shutter speed... Tv mode

 Practice how to capture motion with Shutter Speed bracketing picture# 56 Upload & share!
iPhone app Slow shutter fast cam

Take in the following increments... 0.5, 1,2,4,8 seconds

use Google slide to make this -easier to move and arrange the pictures # 56 a,b,c,d,e

AJS11-0__ Your name MP2 report card (Mp2 ends 12/4/2020)

1. MP2 album link 
2. Due 11-20-20 PS# 2: Food diary -a Photography is Art review (ppt#2) 

3. Due 11-2-20 Ppt# 4 : Ch 2 internet research on Lens with worksheet
4. Due 11-17-20 Ppt# 5 : Ch 3 reading / research on Light and Exposure with ISO bracketing.

5. Due 11-6-20 Project test #2: Bokeh Effect portrait with write up
6. Due 11-19-20 Project test #3: White Balance (WB) with write up 
7. Due 11-30-20 Project test #4: Shutter Speed effects with write up  

8. Quiz

Light painting - 1 more practice shot >>> project 4

 still TV mode but start with 1 second, add more time if needed - might need tripod.

light paint your name or initial (picture #57)
going further Light portraits

Project 4

    • Effects of various Shutter Speed... Go outside of school (NY City Scape) Get out there! safely with Mask on.

      What setting would you use for this picture?
      Taken by former student - Nicholas 

    • if its going to be day time find a water fountain...
      live photo
      swipe up  in iPhone

       Long exposure

    • Flickr/Google photo picture # 58-60
      #58 - fast shutter speed
      #59- slower shutter speed
      #60 Photo edit version
    • Monday 11-30-20
    • Project #4: Effect of Various Shutter Speed Write up... 
    • #1: Explain how you derived your camera setting for this project? (what was the lighting condition like?)
    • #2:How did the camera captured the motion?
    • #3:What did you do for your post-editting? List them
    • #4:How is your photo an artwork? (also include composition).

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