Wednesday, November 10, 2021

PPT#5 : Lights and Exposure (notes from ch 3)

 Do now: customize the cover slide for PPT# 5 

Classwork read pg 51-53 and summarize them. don't forget to also add a diagram to each topic.

read and summarize ch 3 ( click on the link to read)
summarize 2 pages of reading in each slide.

HW: catch up if you are not updated.... make your slide for ISO bracketing (slide 12) then download the slide as .jpg to upload to your album as photo# 51

Reminder: Check to see you have updated your album to include your FINAL portraits with proper labeling. We are grading your print out on Project 2 on Friday. Some of you need to retake the portraits... Photo # 45 a b c & # 46 # a b c  (portrait mode). Model a 6 feet away from background! we are dealing with Depth of field (Dof)!

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